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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  February 22, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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reaction from the family of ronald ross. jodi? >> raunl, it's a day he and his mother thought would never come. but nearly seven years after being convicted for a crime he did not commit. 51-year-old ronald ross walked out of jail a free man. ross walked out of the yale just a short time ago to a group of r of reporters waiting outside. he was wrongfully convicted for a shooting after bees misidentified by the victim who later recanted, it took lawyers from the innocence prongts four years to win his freedom. but a judge ordered him released this morning and ross just walked out of jail a short time ago. >> reporter: how does freedom feel? >> it feels great, man, it feels great. it's a blessing.
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it's a blessing. i was blessed by god, you know, god went through what i went through, like i say, things happen for a reason. >> i feel great, i feel wonderful. i feel awesome, i feel awesome. i really do, they finally found the truth. my son, been locked up for something he did not do. >> ross's mother said he requested a dinner of oysters and shrimp and she intended to fix that for him. we caught up with her today at her apartment in oakland and she has been waiting for seven years for her son to return home. her prayer's tonight finally being answered. reporting live in dublin, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. nice to see the family back together, yoedy, thank you. could this be a game changer in the fight against breast cancer, it's being called a smart bomb, it's a new weapon to battle the
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disease. marianne, a lot of people curious about it. very curious, and some of the clinical trials for this new drug, which the fda proapproved this morning were done here. the chief oncologist said it's a major break through. ja janise is always on the go. she wondered if she'd be able to watch her children enjoy high school after doctors told her she had an aggressive form of breast cancer. she enrolled in a trial. and received a new drug. she experienced no hair loss, no nausea and she had no surgery. what she did have was results. >> through the first week, by the end of the first week. i could physically feel the tumor starting to shrink. 23 patients from the hospital
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participated in clinical trials, developed in south san francisco. it helped women live six months longer than those that were using a traditional treatment. the chief of oncology said that the drug has benefitted several of his patients. >> on to it that it is like a trojan horse, it gets taken into the cell and kills the cell in the breast cancer cell from within. which you know on, it gets tall benefits of chemo therapy with none of the side effects. >> denise is still taking the new drug every three weeks and she credits it with saving her life. now, what is interesting about this new approach is that doctors say, it may be used to develop other cancer drugs. because it can more effectively treat those cancers with fewer side effects. reporting live in walnut creek. nbc bay area news. well tonight the man hunt
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continues, the search in multiple states for the person who gunned down an oakland man on the laws vegas strip. he they say that several leads have not panned out. they are looking for the occupants of a black range rover, it slammed into a taxi and burst into flames killing the cabbie and the passenger. the whole thing started with an argument at a nearby hotel. they are hoping the video identifies the suspects. take a close look, environmental groups say this is evidence that san jose needs to pass a ban on styrofoam containers. the idea is to demonstrate the amount of pollution in the storm water systems. many gathered in support of the
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ban. >> plastic is a huge component of trash that ends up in the bay. a lot of people don't realize that anything on the streets goes down the storm drains, that is mostly not screened. it most straight into creeks in the where it arms fish and wild life. >> the vote will be taken next tuesday. >> location, location, location. a specially for east bay girl scouts. yes, it's that time ofl year again, cookie time, they work hard to get a spot at the walnut creek b.a.r.t. station, these are live pictures. when cookie selling time rolls around, this is where you want to be. during the evening rush hour, right now, about with 20 trains will unload thousands of tired, hungry commuters who did not know that they were craving those thin mints. >> they get to see the cookies and are like, whoa, after a long day of work, i'm hungry and there's girl scout cookies, i can totally have girl scout
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cookies. that is why this is one of the biggest hot spots ever. >> four boxes. >> 20 bucks. >> the leaders say they sell a couple hundred boxes in an hour at this spot. the scouts or their parents too have to wait in line more than half an hour to lock in this golden location. >> good business decision. still ahead at 5:00, he was on his way to get hitched when there was a big hitch, how a groom turn sbood a hero just in time. how safe are your kids on the slope. she is not thigh about showing off, the first lady gives moms a run for their money in the video next. >> good afternoon, i'm jeff ra ranie ranieri, if you are making plans for the chinese new year parade, you can expect to bring the
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jacket and low temperatures in the 50s. i will have the weekend forecast coming up.
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in interesting news before you hit the ski slopes, changing the law to protect your family, the new legislation comes in the wake of a new investigation. a ski safety bill was introduced at the state capitol. >> this after we looked into the potential risks on the mountain. we have been reporting on this issue for a year now. what is going on? >> we first looked at the issue last winter looking at ski lift safety. this year, we uncovered other revealing hazards alternative ski resorts and found that unlike other states california has little oversight when it comes to safety at ski areas. if passed the new bill would change that. >> and when there are injuries or deaths that should be a
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matterer of public record. >> it's information that we discovered most resorts have but do not tell you about. >> i want to know what it will take to correct the situation. >> do you release the information? >> we do not. >> why? >>. >> it's the company policy. >> it's a question of transparency and a public right to know. people are spending a lot of money to enjoy the resort. >> he represents portions of montrae, and santa clara counties. the new bill would require california ski reports to prepare a annual safety plan detailing the accident prevention efforts and report injuries and deaths that happen on the mountain to the state and all of it would be available for public viewing. >> we should have that data to inform taking steps to fix a dangerous situation. >> and we have reached out to the national ski area association and the california ski industry association both said that they needed time to
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read the legislation before commenting on it. he hopes the bill will make its way to governor brown's death. brown will decide if the bill becomes law. nbc bayier news. >> thanks, if you have a tip for our investigateive unit. give us a call, at 1-888-996-tips. >> well the feds are in town searching for answers why the crane collapsed under the span of the bay bridge. federal investigators were on sight today. they interviewed the four, woulders that were on the job and did not get hurt during the accident. the crane was lifting a piece of metal that fell, rocking crane and tipping it over. it will not delay the opening of the new span. >> a free man for now, a judge has granted bail to oscar pistorius. the judge said he does not believe that he is a flight risk or a danger to the community.
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prosecutors accused him of premeditated murder in the shooting death of his girlfriend on valentine's day. he said that he thought he was shooting at an intruder. the trial is set to be starting this june. a record number of california voters support allowing long time undocumented immigrants to be citizens. a knew field poll finds that 90% support giving citizenship to undocumented workers if they have a job, learn english and pay taxes. 52% support driver's licenses. and at the same time, 2/3 want to restrict the flow of new immigrants and support adding more border agents. >> a budget standoff at d.c. could cause delays in sfo, if congress can't reach an agreement on reducing the
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deficit, automatic spending cuts kick in on march 1st. that includes $600 million from the federal aviation administration. 40,000 employees are forced to take furlough days leaving airports short staffed. lahoud specifically mentioned that 90 minute delays could be seen during peak travel times. and tense moments at an ohio apartment when a jet slid off the run way. it just landed in cleveland but when the 747 made a turn on the taxi way, it slid into the grassy area. slippery conditions have been reported in the area due to a mix of snow and rain. fortunately no one was hurt. >> okay, think back, almost every couple has a cute story about their engagement. how about this one, from an off duty san jose police officer. this is sgt. frederick cato, surrounded by tv cameras, everyone wanted to know his engagement tore. he and his wife to be were
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riding b.a.r.t. last week to get their wedding license when they heard shouting. >> the sergeant observed a strong arm in progress robbery and he stepped in and was able to physically detain the suspect. >> the other passengers on the train amazing. it was on nice to he see. it was motivating to me to see the people that did not have training and no weapons and they are trying their best to keep this person on the train and keep him from getting away. even using tasers. so it was neat to see, and it's one of the things that motivated me, i can't let these people without training doing their best to hold the person and stand by and do nothing. if they are doing it, we are all jumping in. >> he said it's probably his last arrest, because he is about to undergo a fifth knee surgery which may force him to retire from sjpd, why so many knee surgeries? he is a former running back for the university of washington. >> that is what you call team work. >> he was on it. >> let's get a check of the forecast t weekend is here.
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yes, it is. and we do have plenty of sunshine coming our way for saturday and sunday. a speed coming in the forecast. we are tracking rainfall here in the extreme northern california, it will bring us our chance of drizzle in the forecast. and we have been mentioning it now for the past couple of days. as the radar scans around, it's dry here in the north bay and east bay and back to the south bay. what we are finding at this hour is where the onshore flow is the trong estimate, temperatures are dropping off the most. 52 in san francisco and 53 in san ma take toe. let's go outside to the live hd sky camera network. you see the onshore flow well from this view. san bernardino mountain. winds 10-20, the on-shore flow increasing and in fremont, we are sunny and clear and that is really the story all the way down to the south bay. lots of sunshine on your friday down here into san jose.
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more complicated than yesterday, high pressure still off shore. it will save a lot of the weekend. here we go. here is the cold front that we noted just over northern california. it will wash out and break apart by the time it gets here. so we will be left with marine cloud cover and a possibility of drizzle and we will have sunshine coming here. over the coast line, it will be cool with temperatures in the 50s and back to the interior valleys we will look at 60s. that drizzle is coming our way as we head throughout tomorrow morning. the future cast primarily has cloud cover increasing through 11:00 p.m. tonight, then as we head throughout tomorrow morning you see in the early morning hours. we are picking up on green here, it's not widespread, but it's hit and miss. looks like it will be enough lower level moisture to produce drizzle for the entire viewing hours. we could be holding on a bit down by the south bay and throughout the late morning hours and into the afternoon on
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saturday. there's nothing stopping you from heading outside. let's go to the morning forecast. 37 in concord, 36 in livermore and 37 in san jose and san francisco 45 degrees. and for saturday, we will see daytime highs topping out cooler with that front that is going to bring us the drizzle on sunday morning and it will keep temperatures out of the 50s. 60? los gatos, and 62 in morgan hill, it will be feeling warmer in the sun. 63 in walnut creek. back for san francisco, a high of 60 for you and 62 in santa rosa. we have the pollen that is not going to budget. no rain in the forecast, moderate to high, unfortunately if you are set for allergies, saturday and sunday, mid 60s, then as we go through monday. we get another system moving by, it will be so weak, no rainfall with it for us. then for tuesday. morning fog comes back and cloud
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cover there on wednesday and for thursday and friday, it's staying sunny. and look at that, by next thursday, spring will officially arrive in 20 days. we have had spring weather. so i do not know what kind of a huge indicator that will be when it finally gets here. >> it will probably rain every day. >> hope to get spring showers. >> that is what is going to happen. still ahead the feds jump in, why lance armstrong is now being accused of using taxpayer money for doping. >> and the first lady, wow, having fun, showing off moves. we have a preview of the performance that will air tonight.
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>> the department of justice s has -- landis accuses armstrong of using performance enhancing
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drugs and the united states will say that he defrauded the government by racing for the u.s. government. and getting funds for the team. armstrong raced for the postal service more than a decade ago. >> the countdown is on to the oscars with that said, we roll out the red carpet. this is the scene today at the dolby theater in hollywood. final preparations for sunday's academy awards. the awards are down in hollywood,ut the bay area is well represented. jennifer is nominated as one of the executive producers for the invisible war. it exposes the epidemic of rape in the u.s. military. and pixar is nominated for
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"brave." >> and first lady michelle obama created a memorable video with jimmy fallon. i know the moves. jimmy fallon dressed up like a mom and put on the evolution of mom dancing with mrs. obama. one thing is for sure, shes that moves. >> well, coming up, a cheer leader in the national spotlight. we will show you what she did. stay with us.
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>> okay, when someone makes a half court shot? basketball, it's usually amazing. but this shot did not come from a player, took a look is she a cheer leader? yes. see what she just did? she like flipped around and did
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all sorts of stuff. it's at william carry university. she did a front hand spring. and then lobbed the ball into the basket. that is amazing. she is a 21-year-old nursing student, she has tried that shot repeatedly. it's never worked and then all of a sudden during halftime. she did it. what was that? a front hand pringle. right there. here we go. and a ball gone. that is amazing. it's impressive. >> she needs the car. she needs to win a car for that. >> and the million bucks that comes with it. >> temperatures in the low 50s. you want to take your jacket. marine clouds by 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. it will begin at 5:15 p.m. through 8:00 tomorrow night, it began back in the 1860s. and of course, it's free, so head out to that.
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great great price. >> there's the snake. >> hope to see you back here at 6:00. good night.
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on our broadcast tonight, high drama in the courtroom. a loud eruption as oscar pistorius learns he's getting out of jail. yet another twist in a wild case full of surprises. fighting breast cancer. a big announcement about a so-called smart bomb new drug for women with the most hard to cure types. fewer side effects, but there's a lot more you should know. tough questions for some american cardinals who will choose the next pope. now caught up in the biggest scandal the church has ever faced. and in the nursery with some of the most adored animals on the planet. sleeping, eating, learning how to walk. the expensive operation to save
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these endangered pandas. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. good evening. in the case that has swung so much of the world's attention to a courtroom in south africa, there was a verbal reaction in the courtroom today. when the olympian, oscar pistorius, was released on bail with conditions, as an accused murderer. pistorius had been a revered figure in that nation. still is, for that matter, among his fans around the world. he took the life of his girlfriend at his home on the morning of valentine's day a week ago, and since then, this case has boiled up around him. it will ultimately turn on whether his story, his version of events, can be believed. for now, tonight, he is a free man with restrictions. we begin with nbc's michelle kosinski who was in cot


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